3680-Rita 525 YEN

●Age Age:
●Current address Location:
—Baguio City
—Not able to talk in Japanese
●Scope of lessons:
—Skype Video call
(video conversation lessons on Skype)
—Skype CHAT or Message only
(lessons using only text chat on Skype)
●Qualification/Method (Can teach):
●Target age group (Can teach):
—3 years old
—Kids (4-5 years old)
—Early elementary school students (6-8 years old) —Upper elementary school students
(9-11 years old)
—Junior high school students ( 12-15 years old)
—High school students (16-18 years old)
—College students to seniors (19-90 years old)
—Business English

●Current open days in a week and time slots:
Click here to view on a small screen such as a smartphone (for Student's Smartphone)  TIMETABLE DIRECT
[Free timetable (automatically updated)] Note: Please refresh this page or
click TIMETABLE EDIT to check the latest free time.
*Tutor can edit the time table here TIMETABLE EDIT ▶*
*Click here if the timetable is not displayed (Timetable display trouble) *

●Message from the teacher:


Hi! I'm Rita Belle! I am an English Teacher with TESOL, TEYL and TEAL certificates which means I'm qualified to teach kids, young professionals and even adults. I'm a Licensed Professional Teacher And soon to have my Master's Degree . English is a very interesting and useful language and always remember that English Language is a work in progress. Have fun with it. I will do my best to help you and make it as fun as possible. So come and book a class with me ! See you!

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* EIGORU Tutor Improve Request Form (Anonymous) :
You can anonymously notify the teacher of the points you would like him to improve. You can write down not only the points for improvement but also the good points at the same time, so you can convey your requests for improvement to the teacher without breaking the relationship with the teacher.
* EIGORU Easy Mail Form :
This easy mail The form is an email form that allows you to select English phrases to make various requests to your teacher without having to write English composition.

Added a comment field below. Please enter your evaluation and comments about this teacher . Comments will be published 😄2020/05/10